Author Archives: wheatln2

Q. How many kerrymen does it take to change a light bulb?

A. 100! 1 to hold the light bulb… 99 to rotate the house. lol. I’m sad to report that these tired old light bulb jokes may well be rendered obsolete with the introduction of Peg. (Nothing to do with Peig, … Continue reading

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14 summer movies to get a lil excited about… [pt1]

Summertime… and the livin’ is easy… ~ The Tree of Life ~ So quite an obvious one to start, but no one can argue it doesn’t deserve its place here. To put it bluntly, I don’t remember a more highly-anticipated … Continue reading

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Hot Docs 2011 reviews: Wiebo’s War // The Redemption of General Butt Naked // Empire North // Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop

previously: Hot Docs 2011 preview & thoughts Wiebo’s War – ★★★★½ 94 minutes | Canada | Language: English | North American Premiere | Rating: 14A Like any fair story of a struggle, Wiebo’s War doesn’t force us to side with … Continue reading

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Hot Docs 2011 preview & thoughts

What’s up doc… Without sounding too rosemantic, there are some wonderful things about living in North America. I’m not talking about twinkies, maple syrup or Hershey’s cookies and cream. I’m actually talking about film festivals. Showcases for films looking for … Continue reading

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Movie Reviews: The High Cost of Living // Certified Copy

Fin(e) The High Cost of Living directed by Deborah Chow [imdb | trailer] me rating: 2.5/5 saw it: cinema (limited release in Canada for the moment) In the initial months and years “post-Garden State” Zach Braff was considered by some … Continue reading

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Ryan Giggs loves yoga

“I hardly drink any alcohol these days. I have taken up yoga, which is great.” Last summer while watching Ryan Giggs continue to defy time I remember thinking he needed to bring out a fitness DVD. If Kerry Katona can … Continue reading

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Deca’dant… so what’s wrong with these pictures?

Aside from the fact they sleep in the same bed.

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WRESTLEMAAAaaa…… satellite signal lost

!”£$%^&*)_+!”£$%^&* Just back from Toronto’s Scotiabank theatre where I decided, after this afternoon’s foray into wrestler deaths, to go nostalgia-crazy and watch Wrestlemania XVII live. With other people. And buckets of popcorn. And coca-cola-coked up kids. And a ridiculously extortionate … Continue reading

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Top 5…. Dead wrestlers.

Wrestlers portray villains or heroes as they follow a series of events that build tension and culminate in a wrestling match or series of matches. [thanks wikipedia] So not a huge amount of people know this, but I’m wee bit … Continue reading

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Nine Types of Light [a post about TV on the Radio. And fun physics]

“Something that makes things visible or affords illumination.” So, a few days ago, the new TV on the Radio album, Nine Types of Light, leaked.  This thick ooozy leak seeped right into the dredges of my Google Reader, giving me … Continue reading

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Why have I never heard of Bizarre ER?

I miss BBC3. This is wonderful. Man gets tiny hat stuck to his head. Ah dearie me. Bizarre E.R. exists in the illustrious canon of BBC3 classics likeThe World’s Worst Place to Be Gay?, Snog Marry Avoid? and Sex… with … Continue reading

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Movie review: The Sunset Limited

It don’t matter if you’re Black or White. The Sunset Limited directed by Tommy Lee Jones [imdb | trailer | HBO Films] me rating: 3/5 saw it: download (premiered on HBO in US & Canada, coming to Sky Atlantic in … Continue reading

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Movie reviews: Incendies, Unknown & The Reef

Sharks, sabotage and secrets. Incendies directed by Denis Villeneuve [imdb | trailer] me rating: 4.5/5 saw it: cinema (limited release in Canada, wider international release expected) Canadian director Denis Villeneuve’s work isn’t all that well known outside of his native … Continue reading

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MAN MACHINE… IBM’s Watson finally hits Jeopardy! [but thinks Toronto is in the US…]

Isn’t technology wonderful! Our very first home computer, an IBM Aptiva G60, was bought by my parents sometime in late 1994. It ran Windows 3.1 and was a perfect machine for word-processing and tetris. Anything heavier though and it would … Continue reading

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